Review title


It's Been a While...

So I haven't written a review recently and this is why. Even though I have seen a few new films/films I have seen before since my last review, I've been really busy.

Everyday after work is spent looking/applying for jobs (as I want to move down to my house asap), and every weekend is currently spent hosting friends and family at the house. I soon want to get back to frequently posting film reviews, as I love to do so. I just want to be able to sit down and concentrate and spend time on them, rather than rushing it just to get it out there. 

little side note --- The most recent film I have seen is Netflix's Isn't It Romantic (2019). Starring Rebel Wilson and Chris Hemsworth, I found it hilarious. It was relatable, silly and turned rom-com's on their heads. Even though I thoroughly enjoyed it, I hummed and harred about writing a full review about it, as I didn't think I would have as much to say about it as others. Having said that I would recommend it. 

Anyhow! I know this short post is nothing to do with reviews, but I wanted to put it out there, to prove I've not given up with them! :D

— AW