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The Lone Ranger (2013)

As I haven’t written a review in a while I thought it would be cool to do a review on a film which although is a couple of years old, I have only just seen.

Undeniably, I had not seen this film due to its poor reviews at the time of its release and the fact that, to be honest, I did not know a lot about the plot.

Initially what appealed to me was the casting of Johnny Depp (made clear from the poster). Being everyone’s favourite Jack Sparrow, I thought that he would bring the same wit and sarcasm to this role. This turns out to be undoubtedly true- with Depp playing up to his stereotypical character, whilst also bringing a certain edginess and sadness to his role.

With a star-studded cast (including the great Helena Bonham Carter, known for often appearing alongside Depp) and many recognizable faces, I knew from the outset that this film had the potential to be good.

And.. guess what? It was.

So, a quick rundown of the story itself. Native American ‘Tonto’ retells his past to a young naïve boy at a carnival, which follows with a series of dramatic extensive flashbacks. Set in the American south, the story is allowed to unravel depicting how lawyer John Reid was transformed into The Lone Ranger, a criminal of authority. Without giving a whole lot away, what follows is death, a tale of greed and a series of action-filled scenes. I can definitely see why my boyfriend recommended this film to me, as it was so much more than what it promised and advertised. In my opinion, the trailer did not do it justice.

The storyline itself also notably differed to my expectations. Being a Disney production, I believed it would be targeted at a younger and therefore more violence-sensitive audience. BUT, this was not the case. With a more mature story, this film (despite its humorous, unrealistic stunts), hit all emotions, from laughter to despair.

In terms of the CG, it was what would be expected. With good imagery and a fantastic use of SFX, I can see why it cost over 200 million dollars to create. Its gradient was also undeniably good, adding the desired effect to each scene. But, I won't get too technical, as even though I am a film student so am obviously keen for this- this is only an informal and hopefully ‘fun’ review.

So if any of you have ever thought of watching this I would certainly recommend it, as not only is the cast fantastic, but the story itself is interesting and thrilling; filled to the brim with emotive scenes.

My Rating       

— AW